Terms of Use
All information on Fina websites is intended for information purposes only. Fina will make reasonable efforts to ensure that all information published is correct, complete and reliable, but is not responsible for occasional malfunctioning of the websites, nor does it guarantee, either expressly or implicitly, the accuracy, truthfulness, reliability, or completeness of any published data, material or information.The information available on Fina websites may not be considered as a basis for making significant personal, financial, or business decisions and all users agree not to hold Fina liable for any failure to meet their expectations in relation to such information. Fina shall not be liable for any direct or indirect, incidental, punitive, exemplary or consequential damages, losses or costs arising out of or relating to the use or inability to use the information available on these websites. Fina may at any time and without prior notice update or modify the terms of use and data published on these websites. The links from Fina websites to other websites are for information purposes only and Fina is not responsible for the content of those websites, nor the results that may be obtained from their use. The content published on these websites may only be used for private and non-commercial purposes.
The Contents shall not be modified, copied, displayed or otherwise transmitted or distributed without the prior written approval of Fina. The design of Fina website is Fina property and it is not allowed to use the design, the distinctive elements of design or Fina logo without written approval from Fina.
By accessing and using Fina websites, you are confirming that you have accepted these terms of use.